


2024年5月 graduating class photo outside the Click Center with LC President Dr. 彼得伊甸园


地标学院授予42个副学士学位, 30个学士学位, and 11 post-baccalaureate certificates to graduating students during a commencement ceremony held on Saturday, 5月11日, 2024年在Click家庭体育中心举行. Over 60 students participated in the ceremony, making it the largest in College history. '

的 class included our first two graduates from the LC Online A.A. 通识课程 詹姆斯•摩根 (左)和 杰克病房 (右), both of whom attended the graduation and made remarks at the podium. 

Photos of 詹姆斯•摩根 and 杰克病房 wearing graduation regalia while standing at podium addressing audience


两位地标大学受托人的儿子 Eric Ellman (左)和 亚历克斯Kiratsous (中)获得了毕业证书. 一样 加贝杀伤 (右), who is the daughter of two of the College's first graduating class, Kristin (Pieracci), 87年的杀戮, 和87年的道格·基林.

At left, Eric Ellman raises a fist in the air at the podium. Center, 亚历克斯·基拉特索斯得到了父亲的拥抱, trustee Stephen Kiratsous while receiving his degree. At right, 加贝杀伤 makes remarks from the podium.


Three students received a special recognition from the Town of Putney for their service as volunteer firefighters while attending college. (从左至右): 贾斯汀圣. 马丁,德文·麦克海尔,凯拉·帕特森

贾斯汀圣. 马丁, Devin麦克海尔 and Kayla Patterson wearing graduation regalia




程序 (按封面图片浏览PDF)




的 社区服务奖 is given to the students who have unselfishly given of themselves and to the activities of the 具有里程碑意义的大学 community. 

伊登·凯瑟和贾斯汀·圣的大头照. 马丁

获奖者(从左至右): Eden Kayser和贾斯汀圣. 马丁


的 学术院长奖 is given to the student who has best demonstrated the qualities that define academic success at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 这些品质包括努力工作, 认真学习, 智力发展, 以及可衡量的成就, 比如成绩.
彭妮魏瑟和Alex Larson的大头照

获奖者(从左至右): 彭妮魏瑟 (助理),Alex Larson(学士)


的 本科生研究奖 is given to students who exhibit active engagement in a re搜索 project in any discipline under the supervision of a faculty/staff member for at least one semester or intersession term. 

获奖者(从左至右): 迪伦·沙利文,佐伊·菲尔


的 查尔斯·德雷克奖 is given to a student who has inspired the community by his or her personal qualities. This student is not a quitter and lives in the tradition of Dr. Charles Drake, whose vision and courage helped found the College. This student gives 100 percent, goes the extra mile, and perseveres in pursuit of his or her goals. This student helps the rest of us realize that we have more resources to draw upon than we think, and helps us keep going when we feel discouraged.


赢家 (从左至右): 格斯·麦基,格温娜维尔·唐尼


的 总统奖 is given to the student who has best exemplified the principles we believe in here at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 这个学生才华横溢,精力充沛, 迎难而上, 努力工作, 并致力于他或她的研究. This student also finds time to contribute to the well-being of other persons and to the life of the 具有里程碑意义的大学 community as a whole.




Student PJ Dudinetz at podium making remarks while President 彼得伊甸园 and student Eden Kayser hold oversized check

Graduating students PJ Dudinetz (at podium) and Eden Kayser (far right) present President Dr. Peter Eden (center) with the 2024年5月 graduating class gift, designated for scholarship support and given in memory of Academic Advisor Jamie Sheffield.




露丝安德森 伊莎贝尔巴赫曼 蓝色的伯灵顿 阿米娜·戴维斯
雅各布·戴尔 哈里森严重 大卫Jenerson 查尔斯Karwowski
詹姆斯•摩根 亚历山大Mautarelli 马克西姆凯文* 安东尼·麦金尼
阿波罗(奥黛丽)米勒* 乔治Nieradko 莫莉波尔马特 罗布森马赛厄斯
Shylan斯坦福 乔什·斯坦伯格* 伊莱亚斯变化* 杰克病房
艾美特Wieting Marc Weitze 路加福音Zdankiewicz  


布莱克博斯沃思 Munasqa Choque-Stenn * 丹尼尔·克罗斯比 莉莉安娜Gambach *
瑞安哈吉斯 亚历山大Kiratsous Cavainna McBurnett 维维安野蛮


布莱斯康利 查理·弗里德曼 吉布斯Mathhew * 罗西卢克


玛丽亚·阿米蒂奇 丹尼尔Edgerton-Dickey Owain卢卡斯* 彭妮Weiser *


以利亚Appelman Anastasio Bonhomme    
Note: Each baccalaureate student was required to complete a capstone project of their choosing. 
Bachelor of 艺术s in 通信 and Entrepreneurial Leadership
漂亮宝贝唐尼 Developing a Student-Driven Future for Voices TV
石磊Hertog的话 Investigative Journalism and 的 Putney Oil Spill
伊甸园凯塞*° 里程碑式学生媒体的演变
奥古斯特·格斯·麦基 运动员的同伴支持
Lia·莫伊伦· Graphics Design for Signs that Communicate Effectively to LC's Neurodiverse Community
马修·罗德里格斯 Ceridwen Connect--V-tuber Entertainment and Education
Eric Schreckengast Improving Mental and Physical Well-being at 具有里程碑意义的大学
索菲娅Spraggins *° 地标学院的HIllside咖啡屋
威廉Weinlaeder Neurodivergent Communication Strategies in the Workplace 


莎拉·弗里德曼*° Secrets of the Backstage: Stories of Superstition
肯尼斯·卡茨 How the Mafia Achieved the American Dream On and Off the Screen
Devin麦克海尔 马健康和马厩安全手册
雅各Pariser *° Anxiety and Depression Among Teenagers During the Pandemic
伊恩·皮尔斯* 凯恩斯和. 供给学派经济学
贾斯汀圣. 马丁 的 Role of Landmark Student Volunteers at the Putney Fire Department


PJ Dudinetz 将创伤知情实践应用于教育
佐伊Feil * 高等教育社区的DEI
亚历山大·拉尔森*° Auto-Ethnography of CBT: Why it Was a Good Fit for Me


塞布丽娜科恩*° 悬崖:古典歌舞表演
罗斯塞勒斯 进展中的拖延症
加贝杀伤 期望的破坏
兰丁基拉听到*° 直立:透视的探索
夏洛特Mazur *° 我的小碎片


奎因Colty *° 人类的纽带:绘画作为一种认识的方式


Eric Ellman Connect-4-Party: An enhanced classic board game
Valentina Proskauer Valerio*° Musicollider:一个基于网络的音乐混搭创建者


史蒂夫·马丁内斯⧫ Human Evolution: A Comparative Study of Fossilized Skulls
凯拉帕特森⧫ Public Health: Comparing Neonatal Care in the Netherlands and DRC, 以及为无国界医生组织筹款
迪伦沙利文⧫ Ergothioneine and Thioredoxin Reductase: A Mushrooom and Mammalian Oxidative Dance
乔纳森·约瑟夫 Animal Deception: 的 Secrets Behind Trickery in the Animal Kingdom



Certificate in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity
温德尔Alverson 洛根Brennan-Sawyer 阿曼达Champany 肖恩·克兰西
马克·奥唐纳 Kari派克 克里斯蒂罗特曼 凯文Sedlak
艾米丽Stuver 杰西卡Toffey 丽贝卡·塔特尔  



* Phi 的ta Kappa荣誉协会
⧫ AIE-STEMPLOS scholars are a group of students at 具有里程碑意义的大学 that receive scholarship funds from the National 科学 Foundation (NSF) and participate in cohort activities related to identifying and participating in internship activities. 学生们在A区.S. 或B.S. 生命科学或计算机科学专业. 
