

的 校友谘询委员会 (AAB) provides counsel, 建议, and recommendations on matters concerning Landmark College and its alumni body.

Andrea Tolliver, Michal Macho, and 的o van Roijen on campus

“校友 From Day One” is the motto of the 校友谘询委员会 (AAB). 的 AAB serves all who have been enrolled at Landmark College, 不管仅仅是一个学期, 一年或获得学位. 

成立于2007年8月, 律政司会提供法律顾问, 建议, and recommendations to help the College remain strong for future generations of students. 







  • Petar Petrovic, 23岁


  • 卡伦饰, SAA椅子

成员 and former members of the 校友谘询委员会 share why they stay connected to Landmark College.


"During my time at Landmark, I received invaluable skills both academically and professionally. My goal as a board member of the AAB is to continue the tradition of mentorship and leadership and support the college's mission."

Rachel is an Admissions Associate at Johnson & Wales University, College of Professional Studies. 


Genevieve Friend Land ’96, Former member

“的 AAB is a group of diverse and successful alumni who can inform others about Landmark College and support current students and the Board of Trustees,吉纳维芙说. “I serve on the AAB to give back to the school that changed my life.”

Genevieve worked for a Code and Zoning/Building Expediting company in 纽约 City until December 2014. Since then, she has enjoyed being a full-time mom to three awesome children. In her spare time, she offers consultation in organization and time management.


Michael Macho ' 04前成员

“校友 can help the College grow by raising awareness of its unique mission. Alums can explain to students and families that there are hope and another path to success.”

Michael owns and operates BIS Computer Solutions, Inc. 他住在帕萨迪纳, 加州, and serves on the boards of nonprofit organizations that help children and teens.


Brian Press, 95届,前会员

“Moving on in the world after Landmark College can be tough, and knowing there is an alumni community can be a big help.”

Brian works in real estate in the Washington, DC, region. He and his wife spend part of the year in Southern Florida, where he works in real estate.


小斯蒂芬·萨克. 1992年,前成员

“的 校友 Board is special because it’s not here for networking but for the true love of the College,”斯蒂芬说。. “It is alumni who build endowment funds that ensure the future of Landmark College.”

Stephen owns and operates Sack Energy Co., a fifth-generation energy company in Connecticut. He lives in West Hartford, Connecticut, with his wife and four children.



“I feel it is important to give back to the college that gave so much to me. Along with confidence, Landmark College gave me the tools I need to succeed in any college setting. I serve on the 校友谘询委员会 to give back to the learning disabilities community. I strongly believe it is invaluable for new and current students and parents to hear my success story. Landmark College gave me so many valuable resources to be my confidant and best self and helped me realize I could learn. As a result, I thrive on re搜索, writing, and educating others.

Andrea is an art teacher at the Windward School in White Plains, 纽约, for students in grades 1 through 9 with language-based learning differences.


的o van Roijen, 2000年,前会员

“I love to see students of all ages strive for greater success in their academic and everyday lives. Landmark College gave me self-confidence and taught me how to advocate for myself. I learned that I could do what I set my heart and mind to in life. I want to be sure everyone with a learning difference, ADD/ADHD and dyslexia has this chance too.”

的o is the former Kurzweil Specialist for the LD/ADD 学术支持 Program at Lesley University. She also privately trains and supports students in using Dragon and 的 Smartpen.
