
Confidentiality of 图书馆 Records 政策


To affirm the Landmark Col腿e 图书馆’s compliance with 佛蒙特州法案. 128 Confidentiality of 图书馆 赞助人 Records.

Scope (or Applicability)

Landmark Col腿e 学生, 工作人员, 教师, and visitors


The Landmark Col腿e 图书馆 maintains confidentiality of student, 教师, 工作人员, and visitor circulation and interlibrary loan records. 下 佛蒙特州法律 all library transactions are private and confidential. 图书馆 records may only be shared with the patron or viewed by a member of the 图书馆 工作人员 or its officers in the normal conduct of their duties. 


  • Circulation records: The Landmark Col腿e 图书馆 maintains a database that stores records of 图书馆 resources a community member has borrowed.
  • Interlibrary loan records: The 图书馆’s database also stores records of items borrowed from another library by Landmark Col腿e 教师, 学生, 和工作人员, as well as items borrowed from the Landmark Col腿e 图书馆 by patrons of other libraries.
  • 访问or records: Landmark Col腿e 图书馆 visitors who live in Windham County can apply to borrow 图书馆 resources in accordance with the Landmark Col腿e 图书馆 访问ors 政策.
  • 赞助人: A person who has borrowed library resources.
  • 佛蒙特州法律:第一幕. 128 Confidentiality of 图书馆 赞助人 Records: http://www.腿.状态.vt.us/statutes/fullsection.cfm?Title = 22&章= 004&节= 00172


The Landmark Col腿e 图书馆
