
奖学金 & 奖助金

Landmark College's financial aid packages typically consist of a mix of state and federal 奖助金 and loans, as well as college scholarship support.

Landmark College 奖学金

  • Landmark College 奖学金
    • President’s Council Scholarship—A merit based scholarship awarded at the time of acceptance for up to $10,000
    • Landmark college Need Based Scholarship—awarded up to $30,000 (FAFSA required)
  • Endowment 奖学金
    Over 20 scholarships given to Landmark College from outside agencies to award to Landmark College students who have proven need and other specific requirements. Awards can range from $2,000 to $24,500.

AIE-STEMPLOS Scholarship

The AIE-STEMPLOS Scholarship requires a separate application process to be completed for consideration. For more information about this scholarship and application, please visit the AIE-STEMPLOS Scholarship Program 页面.


SAGE 学费 Rewards (Savings and Growth for Education) is a unique, private college savings program. 学费 Rewards are discounts off tuition at participating colleges that represent the minimum scholarship that an eligible student will receive if attending a member college. Students receive 学费 Rewards from multiple "sponsors" (for example, parents and grandparents). A sponsor designates the tuition rewards to students when they begin their senior year of high school. If the students do not use the tuition rewards, they are rolled back into the sponsor's account for use by other students. Landmark College counts 学费 Rewards as part of the normal institutional and merit scholarships. For more information on SAGE 学费 Rewards please visit http://secure.tuitionrewards.com/index.cfm. Landmark College must receive confirmation from SAGE of your 学费 Rewards by January 15 of your Senior Year of high school.


The Alliance for Students with Disabilities for 包容, 网络, and Transition Opportunities in STEM (TAPDINTO-STEM) is a collaborative project funded by the NSF with the goal of increasing the quantity of students with disabilities receiving associate, 学士学位, and graduate degrees in science, 技术, 工程, and mathematics (STEM). Students accepted into the program will have opportunities to receive peer and faculty mentoring, access to internships, re搜索 conferences, graduate school preparation and fairs, and guest speaker presentations. Accepted students will also receive a $1000 stipend per academic year, with multiple years of funding possible. To learn more and apply, including eligibility and participation requirements, please see: http://ukjxbr.wolaipei.com/research-training/Grants-research/Grants/nsf-tapdinto-stem


  • 联邦佩尔助学金
    This grant is based on your family’s income and assets. In 2022 – 2023, the Pell award for a full time student ranges from $672 to $6,495. The student must meet all eligibility requirements. The amount of the grant is based on enrollment status and is divided equally among the semesters attended. To apply, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.政府
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
    This grant is awarded to students entering in the fall, with exceptional financial need. The annual award is $2,000. The student must meet all eligibility requirements. To apply, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.政府
  • Vocational Rehabilitation 奖助金
    Funding sources unique to LC are various State Divisions of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). They offer financial support for students with disabilities to attend college. Funding may go toward tuition, fees, books, supplies, 房间 and 董事会, and assistive 技术. The amount of the grant is based on need and financial eligibility and can be received for any semester. This is a great resource for students and their families. DVR 奖助金 vary by state, so if you have questions, please contact our 金融援助 Office and we will provide information for the office nearest you. Further information can be found by reviewing the publication, entitled Vocational Rehabilitation Services: Consumer Guide for Postsecondary Students [PDF] (Heath Resources, 1996). 


Some of our students are able to supplement their income and reduce costs by finding employment during their enrollment.

  • Federal Work Study Program: Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a type of financial aid designed to assist needy students with the cost of college. Students who participate in Federal Work-Study (FWS) can earn up to $1,000.00美元一年. The FWS program has limited funds; therefore, we do not have the resources to offer a FWS position to every needy student who applies. 资格, a student must be enrolled at least half-time (six or more credits per semester), maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, and demonstrate adequate financial need as determined by the 金融援助 Office upon student completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.政府 and submission of all other requested documents. Students awarded FWS need to apply for available positions on campus, which are typically posted at the beginning and end of each semester.
  • Landmark College Works: Landmark College Works is a campus employment program that helps students gain professional skills through campus employment while also helping students make connections between work and their 学者. While students with Federal Work-Study receive preference in the hiring process on campus, there are positions available for students without FWS, 特别是在 学生领导 (e.g., campus ambassador, resident assistant, orientation leader).

Landmark College Over Award policy

Landmark College students are required to report to the Landmark College Office of 金融援助 all anticipated outside resources; including any scholarships, 奖助金, 奖学金, 学费的好处, 退伍军人福利, or any other type of financial resources.

In certain instances, these outside resources or awards may reduce eligibility for other financial aid or loans. 一般, total financial aid will not exceed the cost of attendance (tuition and any fees, 房间, 董事会, and books) which would result in an over-award.

When a Landmark College student becomes eligible for additional outside financial support above the cost of attendance resulting in an over-award, that revenue may be used to reduce any Landmark College institutional scholarship.
