
传播学文学学士 & 企业领导

从事项目管理, 团队合作, 解决问题, and effective 沟通 practices within a professional context.

传播与企业领导文学学士学位 (B.A. COMEL)学位侧重于项目管理, 创业, 团队建设, and message design and delivery to prepare our students for entry-level jobs in fields such as civic organizing, 媒体制作, 公共关系, 管理, and other positions that require organizational leadership and 业务 development.

B.A. COMEL prepares students to become leaders and entrepreneurs in today’s increasingly complex world.

Students in this major explore a wide variety of co-curricular opportunities as they find their focus, including producing content for the Landmark College TV and radio stations, 为学生办的杂志撰稿 的声音, and participating in the Landmark College Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (飞跃).

了解更多关于B的信息.A. COMEL程度

  • B.A. COMEL degree was intentionally designed to draw from 沟通 and 业务 to capitalize on the dynamic intersection of those disciplines.

    B.A. COMEL integrates practical experience with interdisciplinary understanding through a model that emphasizes collaboration and innovation. 的 degree promotes exploration of the nature of human 沟通 and utilizes creative and appropriate modalities and technologies to accomplish communicative goals.

    在这个学位的过程中, students will strengthen qualities of creative and resilient leadership and learn how to effect collaborative, transformative change in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner.

  • 找到你的激情!

    成为我们校园广播电台的DJ WLMC,为…写作 的声音, 我们的学生刊物, 为voice TV制作一档节目, 或者在我们的指导下跟进一个有创意的商业想法 里程碑式创业加速器计划(飞跃).

    的se are a few examples of cocurricular activities drawn from the B.A. COMEL curriculum for students to expand upon for personal interest and growth. “After hours” participation is an opportunity to learn and apply skills and processes as well as practice 团队合作 development and project 管理.

    强调领导和合作, our cocurricular opportunities build community and support campus life.

    • 看看创意实验室吧, 我们makerspace, to explore both high- and low-tech tools and techniques and engage in projects ranging from robotics to Legos to crafts.
    • Try out the Adobe Publishing Suite in the Mini Lab to generate polished videos and multimedia promotional materials.
    • Gain experience and build your resume by serving on the executive board of the TV Studio.
    • Earn elective credit with our one-credit courses such as Digital Storytelling, 创业, 和编辑领导.
    • Participate in our Annual Pitch contest to gain start-up funds to test new 业务 initiatives and enterprises.

  • B.A. COMEL emphasis upon hands-on learning leads to many credit-bearing internship opportunities, 无论是校内还是校外.


    • 食品营销 & 零售管理
    • 房地产助理
    • 小型场地管理
    • 体育广播制作
    • 社交媒体专员
    • 电视制作及档案助理
    • 活动策划及推广
    • 品牌写作和网页设计

    的 college has partnerships with the following organizations that offer neurodiverse-friendly supportive workforce and internship programs:

    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾
    • 神经元多样化途径
    • 孩之宝
  • 从这里到哪里?

    B.A. COMEL degree provides a foundation for the following career options (to advance in some areas, 可能需要额外的教育和/或经验).

    • 广告/营销广告或营销专员, 文案, 客户经理, 销售经理, 媒体规划师, 媒体买家, 创意总监, 媒体销售代表, 销售及市场经理, 媒体经理.
    • 电子媒体/广播电视/广播:项目总监, 社区关系总监, 电影编辑器, 新闻主任, 记者, 销售助理/经理, 网页设计师, 观众/市场研究, 媒体买家, 播音员/新闻主播, 公关经理, 喜剧作家, 选角导演, 生产商, 业务经理, 楼层经理, 脱口秀主持人.
    • 健康传播:健康教育工作者, 学校卫生保健管理员, 医疗拨款撰写人, 诊所公关总监, 健康传播分析员, 医疗培训主管, 联邦卫生机构的通讯经理, 医学中心出版物编辑, 收容所经理, 保健顾问, 卫生设施筹款活动.
    • 新闻学(印刷或电子):记者, 编辑器, 新闻播音员, 文案, 脚本作家, 出版商, 新闻服务研究员, 技术作家, 收购编辑器, 媒体记者.
    • 新媒体与科技:数字平面设计师, 网络出版商, 电子杂志作家和编辑, 游戏设计师, 应用程序开发人员, 社交媒体营销专员, 网站设计及管理员, 新媒体研究员.
    • 组织沟通:人力资源/培训/内部沟通专员, 会议经理, 劳工谈判代表, 招聘人员, 工业媒体制作人/导演, 技术作家, 社区/政府事务协调员, 研究/知识管理.
    • 政治沟通:新闻秘书, 演讲的作家, 政治竞选顾问, 当选的官员, 政治记者, 外交官, 说客, 律师, 法律助理, 沟通主管.
    • 公共关系:宣传经理, 媒体代理, 说客, 公共事务专员, 发展官, 资金筹集活动, 会员招聘人员, 销售经理, 媒体分析师, 媒体规划师, 创意总监, 受众分析, 社区关系专员, 内部沟通主管, 民意调查员.
    • 风险与危机沟通:公关人员, 公司发言人, 企业培训师, 通信顾问, 政府机构发言人.

    来源:改编自全国传播协会(2011). 21世纪的传播职业之路. 华盛顿特区:全国通信协会.

  • 要拿到B.A. COMEL学位,学生必须修满121学分;

    • 主修必修课42学分:
      • 36个专业必修学分
      • 6 major required credits that also count toward general education
    • 34 additional credits to complete the general education requirements, 
    • 开放选修课45学分 (15必须在3000/4000级别)


    • COM2041 Team Based Communication OR  BUS2011 Effective Business Communication
    • COM2065广播制作或JRN2021多媒体新闻 
    • COM3041领导力与变革
    • COM3061指导领导实习课程
    • COM4000 COMEL顶点
    • MGT2011 Principles of Management OR MGT2021 Human Resource Management
    • MKT2011 Introduction to Marketing OR BUS2021 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
    • Lower-level Communication Requirement: Choose two courses (one meets General Education Communication requirement)
      • COM1011通讯概论 
      • COM1021人际沟通 
      • COM1071公共演讲入门 
      • COM2051跨文化交际  
    • 定量推理要求:选择一门课程
      • 微观经济学概论 
      • 宏观经济学概论 
      • ACC2011管理会计 
    • 高级学位要求
      • Students take five upper-level courses on various topics that may include (but are not limited to): accounting, 业务, 沟通, 新闻, 管理, 市场营销, 和媒体.


    • WRT1011写作与修辞或WRT1008写作过程 & 练习第二部分
    • WRT1012研究与分析
    • EDU1011学习的视角
    • Mathematics distribution elective (as indicated through placement exam)
    • 人文分布选修课
    • 自然科学与实验室分布选修
    • 社会科学分布选修课
    • 创意分配选修课
    • 替代经验
    • 高级写作



  • 在完成B.A. 在沟通 and 企业领导 degree, students will be able to:

    • 演示适合上下文的沟通.
    • Apply 沟通 principles and theories to real world contexts.
    • Demonstrate ability to es选项卡lish and reflect upon 沟通 goals.
    • Demonstrate civility with and across diverse people and situations.
    • Identify the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and social dimensions of leadership.
    • Evaluate ethical choices and outcomes personally and professionally.
    • 在决策中运用领导技能.
    • Demonstrate leadership through strategic development and implementation of a team project.
    • Analyze the quality of information received through different types of media, channels, and sources.
    • Create and deliver messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context.
    • 利用可靠的信息来源提出想法.
    • 熟练运用多媒体技术.











Whether you are new to Landmark College or are a former student interested in returning for a baccalaureate degree, 你可以 应用在这里. (的 reenrollment process for Landmark College alumni can be found under the 返回 选项卡.)
