

Lalor,. R.拉洛尔,G. M., & Lombardi,. R. (审查). Autism spectrum disorder and socioeconomic status: The case of Tyler H. 发展.

Lalor,. R., & 他补充,K. (新闻). 在监管中考虑残疾. 在R. 纳塞尔(Ed.), Identity in supervision: Understanding who works for you and who you work for in higher education. 夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州:信息时代出版社.

Stenn T., Lalor,. R.奥斯特霍尔特,D., & 科普兰,J. (新闻). How entrepreneurship program structure and pedagogue support motivation and activation of entrepreneurial mindsets in neurodiverse student entrepreneurs. 在L. Poonamallee,. 霍华德, & S. 快乐(Eds.), Managing for Social Justice: Harnessing Management Theory and Practice for Collective Well-Being. 英国伦敦:帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦出版社.

黄,. Y., Bryck R.L.,赫特,S., & 米尔斯,C. (2023). Using a webcam based eye-tracker to understand reading behaviors in neurodivergent classrooms, In LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 453–63. LAK2023. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. http://doi.org/10.1145/3576050.3576115

罗兹,年代., Bryck R.L.Gutierrez de Blume, A. (2023). Exploring Factors Influencing Mathematics Problem Solving. Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA).

罗兹,年代.史密斯,M., Bryck R.L. (2023) Relationships Between Cognitive and Affective Factors and the Number of Teaching Moves: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA).

Gutierrez de Blume, A.P.罗德岛,南卡罗来纳州., Bryck R.L. (审查). Metacognitive Awareness among Middle School Adolescents: Development and Validation of a Shortened Version of the MAI, Jr.

Lalor,. R., & 威廉姆斯,K. (2021). Advocating and collaborating with others around disability. 在年代. Schoper & A. 法语(Eds.). Creating inclusivity while providing accommodations: A practical guide to champion individuals with (dis)abilities on campus (pp. 35-42). 华盛顿特区.C.美国大学人事协会. http://myacpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Disability-Monograph-November-2021.pdf

公爵,我. L., Lalor,. R.盖尔巴,N.Madaus J. W., & Tarconish E. (2022).  A job analysis of accessibility services administrators in higher education. 高等教育与残疾杂志, 35(3), 247-259.

纽曼,L. A.Madaus J. W., Lalor,. R., & Javitz H. S. (2021). Effect of accessing supports on higher education persistence of students with disabilities. 高等教育多样性研究,2014(3), 353-363.

巴纳吉,M. (2020). How can the education community better support students with different learning and thinking abilities and their teachers during COVID-19? 面试通过 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

巴纳吉,M. & Lalor,.R. (2021). Critical perspectives on disability documentation in higher education: Current trends and observations. In Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal.

巴纳吉,M.拉洛尔,A. R.Madaus J. W., & 布伦克霍夫L. (2020). A survey of postsecondary disability services websites post ADA AA: Recommendations for practitioners. 高等教育与残疾杂志, 33, 301-310.

巴纳吉,M.拉洛尔,A. R.Madaus J. W.布林克霍夫,L.C. (2020). Student self-report: Use of self-reported information in accommodations decisions post ADA AA. 高等教育与残疾杂志.

巴纳吉,M.拉洛尔,A.R.Madaus J.W. & 布伦克霍夫L.C. (2021). A survey of postsecondary disability service website information. In Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal.

Bryck R. L., & 费舍尔,P. A. (2012). 培训 the brain: Practical applications of neural plasticity from the intersection of cognitive neuroscience, 发展心理学, 预防/干预科学. 美国心理学家,67(2); 87-100. doi: 10.1037/a0024657

Dahlstrom-Hakki,我.Alstad, Z., & 巴纳吉,M. (2020). Comparing synchronous and asynchronous online discussions for students with high incidence disabilities: The impact of social presence. In 计算机与教育,150, 1-11.

Faggella-Luby, M.盖尔巴,N.杜克,L. L., IIIMadaus J. W., Lalor,. R., & Lombardi,. R. (2019). Learning strategy instruction for college students with disabilities: A systematic review of the literature. 高等教育与残疾杂志, 32, 63-81.

Lalor,. R., Madaus J. W., & 公爵,我. L. (2020). Disability-related competencies for student affairs generalists:  A Delphi study. 大学生事务学报,38(2), 198-214.

Lalor,. R.Madaus J. W., & 纽曼,L. (2020). Leveraging campus collaboration to better serve all students with disabilities. 高等教育与残疾杂志, 33, 249-255.

Lalor,. R.佩特库,S. D., & Madaus J. W. (2018). 申请大学. 在米. Grigal J. W. Madaus L. L. 公爵三世, & D. 哈特(Eds.), Navigating the transition from high school to college for students with disabilities (pp. 126-154). 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.

Lombardi,.盖尔巴,N.杜克,L. L.科维特,J.,魏,Y.Madaus J., Lalor,. R., & Faggella-Luby, M. (2018). Higher education and disability: A systematic review of assessment instruments designed for students, 教师, 和工作人员. 高等教育多样性研究,2011(1), 34-50.

Madaus J. W.,公爵三世,L. L., Lalor,. R.阿基诺,K.法格拉-露比,M.纽曼,L。. A.帕佩伊,C.佩特库,S.斯科特,S., & 韦塞尔,R. (2020). 研究 Guidelines for higher education and disability. 高等教育与残疾杂志, 34(4), 319-338.

Madaus J. W.盖尔巴,N.杜克,L. L., Lalor,. R.伦巴第,A.科维特,J., & Faggella-Luby, M. N. (2018). Literature on postsecondary disability services: A call for re搜索 guidelines.  高等教育多样性研究,2011(2), 133-145. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000045

马里诺,M.T.瓦斯奎兹,E., 巴纳吉,M.帕森斯,C.萨利巴,Y.C.加莱戈斯., & 科赫,. (2020). Coaching as a means to enhance performance and persistence in undergraduate STEM majors with executive function deficits. 高等教育理论与实践, 20(5).

NCLD Briefs - Actions to Empower Individuals with Disabilities in Higher Education; invited contribution by 巴纳吉,M. (3月.2019). 看到 http://www.ncld.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/SASD-Keys-to-Postsecondary-Success-Key-Considerations-for-Higher-Education-Faculty.pdf

纽曼,L. A.Madaus J. W., Lalor,. R., & Javitz H. S. (2019). 支持 receipt: Effect on postsecondary success of students with learning disabilities.Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 42(1), 6-16.

谢伊,L., 检验员,., & Lalor,. R. (2019). From disability to diversity:  College success for students with learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 以及自闭症谱系障碍. 斯特林,弗吉尼亚州:手写笔.
