

Up-to-date preparation for today’s entry-level managerial position.

The Professional Studies 业务 program provides students with a basic understanding of the 业务 environment, 管理理论, 市场营销, 会计实务. The 商业研究文科副学士 degree prepares them to seek entry-level managerial positions or to transfer to a four-year institution as 业务 majors.


A 业务 degree is one of the most sought-after degrees, preparing students for career opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Our goal is to prepare you to be an independent thinker with the skills necessary to analyze information to make sound decisions based on data and projections. Our degree will ensure that you develop the skills to:

  • 评估商业机会
  • 有效地沟通决策
  • 监控业务决策的影响
  • 成为一个成功的商业领袖

了解更多关于A的信息.A. 商学学士学位

  • Landmark College has a long and successful record of preparing neurodiverse students to gain a foundation for a career in 业务.

    From 市场营销 and accounting to management and information technology, no other college in the country offers the depth of experience in teaching students who learn differently.

    Through our unique hands-on approach to 业务 studies, students develop a basic knowledge of 业务 needed for an entry-level administrative support or managerial position.

  • With an emphasis upon leadership and collaboration, our 课外学习的机会 建立社区,支持校园生活.

    • 看看创意实验室吧, 我们makerspace, to explore both high- and low-tech tools and techniques and engage in projects ranging from robotics to Legos to crafts.
    • Try out the Adobe Publishing Suite in the Mini Lab to generate polished videos and multimedia promotional materials.
    • Gain experience and build your resume by serving on the executive board of the TV Studio. 
    • Earn credit with our one-credit courses such as Digital Storytelling, 创业, 或编辑领导.
    • Participate in our Annual Pitch Contest to gain start-up funds to test new 业务 initiatives and enterprises.
  • 在实践中学习!

    The 业务 program’s emphasis upon hands-on learning leads to many credit-bearing internship opportunities, 无论是校内还是校外.


    • 食品营销 & 零售管理
    • 房地产助理
    • 小型场地管理
    • 体育广播制作
    • 社交媒体专员
    • 电视制作及档案助理
    • 活动策划及推广
    • 品牌写作和网页设计

    The college has partnerships with the following organizations that offer neurodiverse friendly supportive workforce and internship programs:

    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾
    • 神经元多样化途径
    • 孩之宝
  • A rigorous program that will prepare you for the 下一个 stage of your career

    A 业务 degree from Landmark College will give students the fundamental skills and knowledge to compete successfully in today’s 业务 world—whether you’re planning to immediately enter the workforce or continue your 业务 studies.

    The program allows students to develop the skills required for all disciplines of 业务 by completing a professional core, while at the same time providing students with the flexibility to explore various aspects of 业务, 包括:

    • 人力资源管理
    • 组织行为
    • 创业
    • 经济学
    • 金融

    路径为 B.A. COMEL:沟通 & 企业领导 学位:

    • 注重项目管理
    • 创业优势
    • 经济和日常生活之间的联系
    • 工作领导和管理技能
    • 营销是双向的商业沟通
  • 课程

    为了获得A.A. 商业研究 degree, students must complete 61 credits:

    • 27个专业必修学分
      • 15个专业必修学分
      • 12 major required credits that also count toward general education,
    • 19 additional credits to complete the general education requirements, 
    • 15门公开选修课


    • ACC1011 Principles of Accounting I: (Quantitative Reasoning Gen Ed Req.) 3学分.
    • ACC2011会计原理II: 3学分
    • BUS1011商务导论:3学分
    • COM1011 Introduction to Communication: (Gen Ed Req.) 3学分
    • COM2021 Interpersonal Communication (Gen Ed Req.): 3学分
    • 教育与身份:3学分
    • MGT2011管理学原理:3学分
    • 经济学 Requirement: ECN2021 Microeconomics OR ECN2031 Macroeconomics (Social 科学 Gen Ed Req); 3 credits
    • 实习/另类经验:3学分


    • WRT1011作文和修辞:3学分
    • WRT1012研究与分析:3学分
    • EDU1011学习视角:3学分
    • Mathematics Distribution Elective (as indicated through placement exam): 3学分
    • 人文学科:3学分
    • 自然科学带实验课程:4学分



  • A.A. 在商业研究目标和成果:

    Develop an understanding of 业务 fundamentals

    • 请描述一下美国是如何.S. 业务系统有组织
    • Distinguish the ways 业务 influences change


    • Apply management principles to achieve organizational goals
    • Apply management concepts to achieve organizational objectives
    • 运用人际交往技巧作为一个团队进行互动
    • 展示决策能力


    • 描述在美国的市场营销功能.S. 业务
    • Demonstrate consumer and 业务 decision making

    了解美国经济的定量方面.S. 业务

    • Understand Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
    • Relate financial principles to 业务 and personal decision making
    • Apply micro- and macroeconomic principles to 业务 and human behavior